Quickstart Batch Risk APIs:  summary

Here is a sample and top level description of the key Risk APIs and associated inputs for configuring and running risk analyses. There is a detailed data dictionary for each input file. Please contact us for more details.  All risk outputs write to a BigQuery dataset configured for your company and can be accessed via the Google Cloud sdk (e.g. https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/bq-command-line-tool) or BQ API (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest). Security, logs etc APIs use the Google Cloud Platform APIs (e.g. https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/reference/rest).

At the top level, the "QuickStart" APIs are:

Based on the market and risk / analysis parameters provided (as discussed below), this API starts a risk job within the K8 cluster, monitors and reports on it's status and then updates Big Query.

Upload Risk Params


This is the set of inputs around the nature of the analytics to be performed and the portfolio. 

The key inputs configurations are: 

Upload Market Params


This is the set of market data inputs which can be reused for different counterparty / portfolio analyses. 

It includes:

The way these interact for a hypothetical IT Swap is outlined in the diagram below. 

Curves Configuration for IR Swap (Example)

Worked Examples

To keep it simple, let's assume the following case:

See the example of the configurations required for Upload Risk Params and Upload Market Params using this simplified case.